Dallas Budget - A Blatant Disregard for the Black Community

  • Vast majority of Black residents believe Dallas needs more responsible police officers

  • Instead of investing in safety, Dallas leaders want to fund shady “affordable housing” programs which give cheap housing and investment opportutinites for their donors

  • Dallas residents deserve leaders who respect our demands for safety, education, and prosperity

In a time where unity and solidarity should be at the forefront of our city’s agenda, the recent decisions surrounding the Dallas budget stand as a glaring testament to the disrespect and negligence that the Black community continues to endure. It is a slap in the face, a blatant disregard for the voices crying out for justice, safety, and prosperity in a city that seems to have lost its way.

First and foremost, we wish to extend our deepest respect and gratitude to the countless hardworking government employees who tirelessly strive to keep the wheels of our city turning. Their dedication and commitment to serving the community does not go unnoticed, and we stand with them in their efforts to foster a better Dallas.

The vast majority of Black residents are united in their belief that Dallas is in dire need of more responsible police officers. Officers who are trained not just to enforce the law, but to protect and serve every member of the community with respect and dignity. It is a call to arms, a demand for justice that seems to fall on deaf ears as the city council chooses to turn a blind eye to the pressing issues at hand.

However, the current state of affairs, as reflected in the Dallas budget, paints a grim picture of neglect and disparity. Our city is grappling with a significant shortfall of police officers, a deficit that stands between 900 and 1000 officers. The proposed addition of 250 officers is not a solution but a mere attempt to maintain the status quo, a status quo that sees our community members living in fear and uncertainty.

The past week has been particularly harrowing, with several lives lost to the scourge of gun violence. Just yesterday, we lost a young man of just 17 years to this relentless wave of violence, a tragedy that should shake us to our core. Furthermore, a woman who reached out to 911 in fear of a prowler, found no refuge, no protection, ultimately losing her life in a system that should have safeguarded her. These are not isolated incidents, but a reflection of a deeper crisis that threatens to engulf our community.

Instead of channeling funds into initiatives that would bolster safety and foster a sense of community, Dallas leaders are embroiled in shady “affordable housing” schemes. These programs, far from being a beacon of hope for those in need, appear to be nothing more than a façade, a way to line the pockets of their donors with lucrative investment opportunities, all under the guise of community development. It is a betrayal of trust, a mockery of the values that should be guiding our city’s leadership.

The “affordable housing” program, as it stands, is a source of deep concern. While our leaders claims to have rehomed over 2000 individuals, the reality is far from the picture painted by the government. As the homeless population grows, many the city has helped find themselves back on the streets, caught in a vicious cycle of homelessness and despair. Moreover, the contractors involved seem to prioritize profit over the welfare of the community, charging exorbitant fees for services rendered. We envision a solution where a centralized service provider stands as a beacon of hope, offering counseling, treatment, and employment opportunities to those in need, steering them towards a path of stability and prosperity.

As we forge ahead, we call upon the leaders of Dallas to rise to the occasion, to embody the spirit of unity and justice that our city so desperately needs. We demand a budget that respects and uplifts the Black community, a budget that seeks to foster safety, education, and prosperity for all.

Dallas residents are not just asking, but demanding leaders who respect and honor our cries for safety, education, and prosperity. Leaders who are willing to stand up and fight for the rights of every citizen, to foster a community where every individual can thrive without fear. It is not just a request, but a fundamental right, a plea for justice in a city that seems to have lost its moral compass.

We cannot and will not stand idly by as the situation deteriorates and our leaders treat our lives like a game of jenga. We call upon every Dallas resident to join us in this fight, to hold our leaders accountable for their actions, to demand a budget that respects and uplifts the Black community, not one that puts our future and our families at risk.

Together, we can forge a new path, a path that leads to a Dallas that is safe, prosperous, and positions our families to embrace bright futures. A Dallas that respects the worth of every individual, that fosters a community where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

We urge you to share this newsletter far and wide. Let us unite in our fight for justice, for a Dallas that respects and honors the Black community. Together, we are unstoppable.


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Dallas City Council’s Budget: A Grave Injustice to Black Dallas