Mayor Johnson’s Move is a Wakeup Call to Democrats: Stop Neglecting Black Voices

  • Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson made a major decision switching from Democrat to Republican

  • Republicans are unquestionably racist but Johnson’s decision shows Democrats are out of touch with the Black community on public safety (we want more police), and educational choice (we want school choice)

  • Democrats racist attacks on Johnson, a Black man, are ugly and show their true colors.

  • Dallas Justice Now believes our community owes nothing to either party. Our support must be earned.

Mayor Johnson’s Party Switch is a Reality Check for Democrats: The Black Community Demands More

Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson’s recent switch from the Democratic to the Republican Party is a seismic event that should jolt Democrats out of their complacency. While the Republican Party was once the political home for Black voters, many feel as though fallen into disarray, marred by dangerous racial tropes and divisive rhetoric. Republican outreach into urban communities has been dismal and led to a sense of disenfranchisement on either side. Johnson’s move, however, is not an endorsement of the Republican Party’s current state; it’s a stark message to Democrats that they have failed to align with the values and needs of the Black community, particularly on issues of public safety, educational freedom, and fiscal responsibility. Johnson chose to redefine himself in an image that would lead to a  more sustainable future. No matter who donates to any political campaign, that donation never equates to any kind of obligation or ownership of the individual by the party.

Let’s be clear: Johnson’s switch is a calculated decision, rooted in the belief that the Republican Party is more closely aligned with his values. This is not a betrayal but a call to action, a signal to Democrats that they need to do better. The Democratic Party’s response has been disheartening, to say the least. The racially charged attacks against Johnson reveal a party that is not only out of touch but also hypocritical in its claim to be the party of inclusion and diversity. Since when is calculating your family’s wellbeing and future a crime? The issue here is that Democrats felt as though they had purchased a Black mayor by way of voting a non contested election and political donation. The party was so certain that they were entitled to the mayor(a non partisan position), that no one bothered to even primary him because they were content with his performance as long as he claimed to be a Democrat.

The Dallas City Council’s recently finalized budget is a case in point. It was predicated on the false notion that crime rates are declining, a blatant misrepresentation of the facts. Instead of addressing the glaring shortfall of 900 police officers, the council reduced the number from an already inadequate 290 to a paltry 250. This, at a time when 250 officers are set to leave the force, leading to officer burnout and skyrocketing 911 response times. When these critical issues were brought to the council’s attention, they chose to do nothing, thereby failing to ensure the safety of our neighborhoods. In the past two weeks there were an unprecedented number of shootings, carjackings, overdoses and fatalities due to DUIs; all of which could have been lowered by a more robuster police force that was not constantly compelled to do overtime.

Moreover, the council missed a golden opportunity to encourage our youth, particularly those with athletic aptitude, to consider careers in law enforcement or as correctional officers. Such programs could serve as a pathway to community policing, fostering trust and cooperation between law enforcement and the communities they serve.

What is most distressing about the party that lays defacto claim on the Black vote is how they present a series of emotional pleas designed to secure the vote and once these officials are elected into position they tend to disregard the needs of grassroots organizations by not funding important initiatives or failing to implement the follow thru and accountability needed to enact changes unless it is a feel good moment for a photo shoot. This is what the City Council are notorious for: they say they care about Black families and community needs, but then their bloated budgets leads to trickle down grants along with the eventual displacement of property owners who get edged out of their homes due to the property taxes that are constantly going up. This year they told us they were lowering the property taxes, but when the budget was finalized they went up eight percent. So this leaves members in our community in a double or triple jeopardy circumstance. Taxes are going up yet real accountable investment in the safety of our streets and the guidance of our children is going down.

Dallas Justice Now believes that no political party should take the Black community for granted. Both parties need to be doing whatever they can to earn our respect and our participation in the votiing process. We also believe it is perfectly acceptable to weaponize our vote when faced with the callous disregard progressive parties have left our families in favor of platitudes. We need tangibles that would be of immediate benefit to our day to day lives. Our support is not a birthright; it must be earned through concrete actions and policies that reflect our community’s needs and aspirations. Johnson’s party switch should serve as a wake-up call to Democrats: it’s time to listen to Black voices, not just during election cycles, but as a matter of course. It’s time to deliver on public safety, offer genuine educational choices, and exercise fiscal responsibility.

In conclusion, Mayor Eric Johnson’s decision to switch parties is not just a political statement; it’s a clarion call for change. The Democratic Party needs to take a long, hard look in the mirror and ask itself why a prominent Black leader found more alignment with a party that has its own problematic history on race. The answer should serve as a catalyst for genuine reform, not just for the party but for the benefit of the Black community and, by extension, society at large.

Ignore us at your own peril. We demand more, and we will hold you accountable.


Why are Democrats are Making Racist Attacks on Mayor Eric Johnson?


Dallas Budget - A Blatant Disregard for the Black Community