In Memoriam Eva Partee McMillan

Eva Partee McMillan, known as Mama Mac, was born on May 7, 1921, in Gibson County, Tennessee, and grew up in North Dallas, Texas after her family relocated in hope of better education and opportunities. McMillan, a pioneering Dallas civil rights activist, and social justice organizer, was a beloved leader within her community. McMillan was involved in multiple activist groups in support of prison reform and racial equity and contributed to the formation of SNCC (Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee) alongside her son, Ernie McMillan. McMillan was a great influence in her son’s activist work having recalled actively listening and absorbing conversations involving social justice issues and politics shared between his mother and her twin sister. McMillan worked against black voter suppression within her community via registration drives, registering black voters, and collecting poll taxes. Eva Partee McMillan passed away several days ago at 100 years old. Eva Partee McMillan’s story has been documented and shared via multiple oral history recordings and filmed interviews as part of a larger collection of the civil rights movement history. Rest well Eva and thank you for your contributions to racial justice and equity in Dallas. 


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